These collections are meant to be placed in the middle of your screen, underneath your character, so that you're able to hide your default UI. For Beast Mastery Hunters these generally also include a Focus bar and a Frenzy Tracker.Shows Raider.IO Mythic+ Score and Raid Progress in-game.

Allows filtering of premade groups using an UI or advanced filter expressions. Pawn calculates scores for items that let you easily see which one is better for you. 25malx brinks online account center Tool for planning and optimizing Mythic+ dungeon runs. This is a simple WeakAura that provides the following: - Raise Dead timer icon for Blood and Frost (with glow and sound near the end) - missing pet alerts for Unholy (text and/or icon) - Control Undead timer icon plus chat messages when the cast. Shows icon from if control undead pet has less than 30 seconds left.

The perfect UI for Raiding - ALL of my UI, Addons and Weak Aura's, with set up & Timestamps Crix 46K views 2 months ago Every Source of Profession Knowledge Explained & How To Get 70+ Knowledge. Contribute to Afenar/AfenarUI development by creating an account on GitHub.

Click here to get my Plater Configuration. Druid (Updated) Monk (Updated) Paladin (Updated) Rogue (Updated) Hunter (Semi Updated) If you want the Interface to look exactly the same you will need my Plater & my ElvUI Profile. Afenar ui MODIFIED AFENAR VERSION! Credits to Afenar for Base WA.