
Heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree
Heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree

Speak with the Red Keymaster, then use the one way monolith to teleport southwest to the gate (if Godric is closeby, you can use the monolith gate to confuse the AI and buy you a lot of time). Head east along the road, then south and fight the two groups of monsters. Run north, kill the mob, grab the spell power upgrade, then try and get the Cerberii to the northwest to join you. You'll have to talk to the Red Keymaster (in the tent to the northeast) before you can open the pathway that the Red Gate blocks. If you go too far southeast from here, where you can see the one way monolith exit and the Red Gate, a cutscene where Agrael talks about escaping into the tunnels to Sheogh takes place.

heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree

Follow it eastward, fight the group of monsters, and continue. Closeby, to the northeast, you'll see a grassy path. Head southeast until you can see the garrison. Grab the gold (ignore the wood), and head northeast and try attacking the familiars.

heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree

The Demons will aggro, and you'll be able to have them join your party. Head south and try to grab the gold pile next to the Horned Demons. Blast them with everything you have, then charge them with your Cerberii when they get close enough to attack you. For the battle against the Griffins, simply wait for them to come to you. Take to the hills, and continue south off of the stone path until you reach a pack of Griffins next to a Redwood Treetop. As the path turns eastward, make sure you grab the Witch Hut to pick up Logistics (10% move speed increase).

heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree

From the beginning you should run straight south.

Heroes of might and magic 5 stronghold skill tree