A grass block always uses the color set to its location, regardless of how it was placed or of its source. The coloration of grass blocks is dependent on the biome they are in. Plains (left) and forest (right) grass colors. Because grass can spread as much as 3 levels downward, it tends to spread down slopes much faster than it spreads up them.Įndermen can pick up grass blocks, and drop the blocks they are holding if killed, making it the only way to obtain grass blocks without the use of Silk Touch. Grass jumps directly from one block to a neighbor and is not affected by gaps or other blocks being "in the way." Grass blocks spread at random intervals and have an equal chance of spreading to any suitable dirt blocks that are in range. Grass blocks can grow under all other transparent blocks like glass, fences, or torches. Though water and lava are both light-filtering blocks (meaning they decrease skylight by 1 level but do not affect block light), other light-filtering blocks such as ice and slime blocks do not block grass from spreading to the dirt block. When grass is random ticked, it spreads by checking 4 blocks within range and converts any dirt blocks selected into grass. The block directly above the dirt block must not be lava, water, or a waterlogged variant of a block.That means blocks that partially let light through such as stairs and slabs must not have their light-blocking side(s) facing the dirt block. The block directly above the dirt block must allow light to pass through it and hit the dirt block, even though the actual light level does not matter.

For more information, see Breaking § Speed. ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.